Non fosse altro che Aronofsky(il regista) ha chiesto una collaborazione per quanto riguarda i costumi della ballerina in questione direttamente a Rodarte (creata e gestita con tanta maestria dalle sorelle Kate e Laura Mulleavy) ormai nota per i deliziosi vestiti "da favola" che ogni anno propone, riuscendo pienamente, per quanto mi riguarda, a rappresentare un cigno incantato.
Ecco qui le bozze per i due tutù, quello del cigno bianco e quello del cigno nero, che hanno conferito all'insieme un tocco di magia ed eleganza ormai rari nella danza.
See Natalie Portman who can bend his body sinuously as though it were an etoile of bolhsoi interpreted one of the most dramatic (and difficult) role of the classical dance was an 'experience already enchanting itself ... if this is then surrounded by presence of one of the most promising brands of the fashion trends from overseas the whole thing could be said, at this point, perfect.
The thing is that Aronofsky (director) had called in question for a collaboration for the costumes of the dancer directly to Rodarte (created and managed with great skill by sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy) well known for its delicious clothes "fabulous" that each year, proposals, a complete success, for me, to be an enchanted swan.
Here are two drafts for the tutu, the white swan and the black swan, which both gave to the whole a touch of magic and elegance now rare in the dance.
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